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Forgot password

If you forget your password, it cannot be reset or recovered. For increased privacy and security, we encrypt all the entries and notes, which makes it impossible for anyone, including us in the Diarly team, to unlock your journal without your password.

In this scenario, you can try the following:

  • Try entering a password at least 3 times. Diarly will then display the password hint, which you set when originally setting the password.
  • Try using other passwords that you may have.
  • Try recalling if you used numbers, letters, names, words.
  • Check if you might have written down the password somewhere. We recommend writing it down in a special place, such as a meaningful page in a favorite book, or a password manager app.

What to do if you don't remember the password

Your entries and notes cannot be recovered without the password. On Mac, you can recover the attachments — such as images and videos — by opening the following directory: ~/Library/Containers/com.pureformstudio.diaryOSX/Data/Library/Application\ Support/com.pureformstudio.diaryOSX/data

You can then remove all data and start using Diarly again.

How to avoid losing data

While your text cannot be recovered if you forgot your password, you can avoid losing data by following a few tips:

  • Export a backup of your journals from time to time, which can then be re-imported into the app.
  • Write down your password somewhere safe, like a meaningful page in a favorite book or in a password manager.
  • Set up FaceID or TouchID on eligible devices.
  • Add a helpful password hint when setting the password.
  • Use a passphrase instead of a traditional password, like a short quote or a personal mantra.