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How to use hashtags

In Diarly, you can add or create a tag by adding # at the beginning of a word. For example, you can add #memories or #family into a day's entry.

To add spaces inside a tag, like for multi word tags, use following format: #Tag With Space#.

On Mac, you can select multiple entries or notes in the list view by holding shift, and right-click to add or remove tags.

Editing tags

  • On Mac, go to Settings from the Menu Bar under Diarly > Preferences or by using the keyboard shortcut ⌘,. Then, open Tags.
  • On iPhone and iPad, open the Settings, then Tags.

Here you can rename and change the colors of tags. You can also find all entries and notes that contain a tag.

Editing tags Editing tags

Searching & Filtering

Every time you add a new tag, Diarly will update the filters and suggestions, so that you can search and filter by the newly created tags. If you click on a tag, it will automatically show you all the entries and notes that contain it. Learn more about search in our article about advanced search options.