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Syncing issues

If you are experiencing issues with sync, try the following:

  • If you add or modify multiple files, such as after a large import or after adding multiple images, videos, or files to an entry, sync can take a several minutes, so please be patient.
  • Make sure you are logged in with the same iCloud account on all devices you want to sync.
  • Also, please make sure you have iCloud Drive enabled and Diarly has access to it on all devices. Please follow these instructions to check your iCloud Drive is set up correctly.

Start sync manually

  • On Mac: use shortcut ⌘R, or from the Menu Bar, under File > Sync.
  • On iOS: pull the timeline view downwards (pull to refresh).

This will start sync, and update you when the sync is finished. If there's an error during sync, the error will be displayed.

You can also check the status of the last successful sync in the Settings, under Sync & Encryption.

What if sync started but data is still not synced?

Sometimes the iCloud service might be temporarily down, or your device may have poor connection. In these cases, the error message might include "Connection Error" or "Service Unavailable".

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection.
  • Try restarting Diarly, and running sync again.
  • If the iCloud servers are experiencing some downtime, you might have to wait a few hours.

If no error is shown, it's possible your data is still being downloaded or uploaded. Please keep the app open for a few more minutes and try again.

You can enable extra logging if you run into problems with iCloud Sync. Please open Settings > Sync and enable the checkbox for extra logging on iCloud. After you restart the app, more logs will be created from the Sync service.

If sync still doesn't work after 24 hours, please send us the applications logs and we will try to help.