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How to link between entries

Diarly will detect when you type a date, and will suggest creating a link:

Linking Entries

You can also copy the link directly from the Timeline:

  • On Mac, by right-clicking on the entry and selecting Copy Link.... Then, you can paste this link in your entry as a regular link.
  • On iOS, by swiping left on the entry and selecting Copy Link.... Then, you can paste this link in your entry as a regular link.

Once you add a date link to your entry, you can click on that link to navigate to the corresponding entry.

Links copied this way can be used on other Mac & iOS apps. For example, you can insert the entry link into your reminders app. When clicked, Diarly will be opened on that entry.

Using wikilinks format: [[Link]]

Start by typing [[. This will show autocompletion with your recent entries. You can type a name or date to find the note and hit enter to create link. The text in this kind of link will automatically update if you modify the title of the note.

This is an internal link format, and as such can not be used in other Mac & iOS apps.